Workshops and Retreats

Slow down and take a trip inwards
Join James for engaging and life changing retreats, group intensives and workshops
James is an experienced facilitator and has been working with groups for over twenty years. Change happens in the moment, not later, but right here, right now. If you choose to join James on one of his unique groups/workshops/intensives/ retreats you will be physically and psychologically enticed out of your comfort zones. The possibility of life changing moments are high as you are stretched to evolve and learn to exercise your underused emotional muscles. Change takes courage and vulnerability handled in a safe and respectful manner. James has been facilitating groups for over twenty years.
James provides workshops for professional working as therapists and for the general public. Take a tour of the work that James does by pressing on the drop down menu. Sign up to James’ monthly newsletter to hear the latest news.
1. MAN – Men as nurturers
A weekend gathering for men who work in the ‘helping’ professions. Each year we explore a different theme to explore in a safe environment. MAN is a safe space to share stories, grow, explore clinical work, make connections and participate in group and individual work. Next event 2021
2. The Secret lives of relationships - Couples weekend
Moving from functionality to intimacy. Discover the 7 keys to unlock your growth. On this weekend couples will GROW. We will explore the impact of our family of origin, unspoken expectations, hidden desires and seek to develop psychological and physical intimacy. You will develop relational emotional fitness and how to build a vibrant relationship.
3. Boot camp
Join the Boot camp to exercise your body and emotions. Your body and emotion are one. This intensive weekend will work your body and emotions. You exercise a full range of physical and emotional muscles and be stretched to extend your fitness and capacity. The boot camp will include a full range of physical and emotional workouts including Yoga, Tai-chi, weights, circuits, games and group work. You will be challenged to push yourself to the limits to extend your physical and emotional fitness. You will be assessed on your fitness before and after the boot camp. This is not for the faint hearted!
4. The secret lives of men
Develop the 10 keys to unlock your growth – This workshop/weekend will be based on the book. It will be a workshop to stretch emotional muscles for men who are ready to grow and develop emotional fitness.
5. SHOUT - Anger management intensive
Learn the psychology of anger and lasting techniques to develop a healthy expression of your anger. You will learn about the different ways of expressing anger, the affect it has on body and mind, the history of your anger story and how it affects relationships. You will work on healthy anger expression via emotional fitness, bodywork and group work.
6. Cyclotherapy
A three/four day cycle tour with two experienced cyclists and therapists. You will enjoy quiet roads, deep connection, good food, and deep emotional encounters. This is an ideal retreat for those who enjoy physical exercise where we will work on e-motion, moving and flowing with our emotions in a group atmosphere.
7. Circle of Men (COM)
This is a ongoing group for men who want to meet with other men on digging deeper into their emotional world whilst in the company of other likeminded men.
Join our online community – group.
“I feel like this process is potentially life changing (even live saving) for me”
“Finally I have a place to talk about deeper issues”
8. HUG club
The importance of connection, touch and non-sexual intimacy (coming soon)
Bouncy up-beat style, Kept us all interested!
Bouncy up-beat style, Kept us all interested!
‘James, enthusiasm and honesty for the subject was refreshing’
‘James, enthusiasm and honesty for the subject was refreshing’
‘I could listen to James all day!’
‘I could listen to James all day!’
James is a passionate speaker’
James is a passionate speaker